
Quickest & Simplest Solution

The quickest way to end clock changes in North America is to restore permanent Standard Time. Congress already permits states to restore permanent Standard Time, while permanent DST is federally prohibited. Arizona, Hawaii, and all US territories restored permanent Standard Time decades ago, without difficulty or drawback.1234567

Permanent DST would require sweeping change to federal law by Congress—which could take several years, which might never occur, or which might be changed then reverted (as happened in 1974).16891011121314 Permanent DST defies the people’s will for an immediate end to clock changes; it’s a waste of legislative time and taxpayer money.

A return instead to permanent Standard Time would cost nothing and could be enacted in mere months. It would benefit public health, public safety, the environment, energy usage, productivity, and wages. It would prove more popular both for its quickness and its lasting approval. It would be an easy win for lawmakers.1516

No bill can make winter’s daylight as long as summer’s daylight. DST is mistakenly associated with summer’s naturally longer days, but summer days will still be just as long under permanent Standard Time as they were under DST.171618

DST is akin to vanity sizing, wherein clothiers arbitrarily assign different numbers to the same sizes to make consumers feel thinner. DST’s arbitrarily added hour falsely makes some people feel they have more daylight. We could add six hours to the clock to postpone daylight until a false midnight, but it would then be dark until a false noon.10

Standard Time is the most practical model for timekeeping that is based in objective reality. It’s an approximation of solar time, which is itself a geometric measurement of nature. Twelve noon corresponds to the sun’s highest point in the sky; twelve midnight corresponds to the darkest point of night. Twelve was chosen for its even fractions (half, third, quarter).18

Standard Time facilitates many simple estimations: time of day from the sun’s position, time of night from the moon or stars, time of sunrise or sunset, time zone differences, latitude on earth, sunburn hours… This knowledge—this connection to nature—is needlessly obscured under DST.192021

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Works Cited

1Craven et alDaylight Saving Time Begins Sunday: Who Observes It, Will It Affect Health?USA Today

2Jennings, HayleyPermanent Daylight Saving Time: Good for Our Health?Grit Daily

3Korch, TraversThe Financial History of Daylight SavingBankrate

4Mauer, RichardWhy Do We Have Daylight Saving Time in Alaska?KTUU-TV

5Mercury News StaffFor Kids’ Sake, Vote No on Year-Round Daylight-Saving TimeThe Mercury News

6Skelton, GeorgeYear-Round Daylight Saving Time? More Dark Mornings Is Just One DownsideLos Angeles Times

7Watson, NathanielTime to Show Leadership on the Daylight Saving Time DebateJournal of Clinical Sleep Medicine

8Alexia, LisaMake Alaska Standard Time PermanentAnchorage Daily News

9Crick, KindraOregon Wants to Increase Sleep Deprivation and Winter MiseryThe Oregonian

10Herf, MichaelWhy Standard Time Is BetterMedium.com

11Lindsay, BethanyWashington’s Governor Urged B.C. Premier to Slow Down Move to Permanent Daylight Time, Memo ShowsCBC

12Merline, JohnTime to Ditch Daylight Saving Time—It’s a Killer That Doesn’t Save EnergyInvestor’s Business Daily

13Skelton, GeorgeKids Walking to School in the Dark? Year-Round Daylight Saving Time in California Makes No SenseLos Angeles Times

14Ripley, AnthonySenate Votes Return to Standard Time for Four Months and Sends Bill to FordThe New York Times

15Herf & LongcoreWhy Proposition 7 Is Bad for Public HealthMedium.com

16Roenneberg et alDaylight Saving Time and Artificial Time Zones – A Battle Between Biological and Social TimesFrontiers in Physiology

17Meijer & FosterTime to Change—But Only to ‘Wintertime’Daylight Academy

18US Naval Observatory StaffAstronomical Information CenterThe United States Naval Observatory

19Christensen, ClarkTelling Time by the MoonBrigham Young University

20Hirsberg & WintherAstronomical NavigationEuropean Space Agency

21Kher, AparnaHow to Tell Time with Stars?Time and Date